Gweiadur Junction (Junior Exhibition Layout)

As we end the first month of 2024, so the Junior Section has made a bright start, not least because our numbers have expanded by 1 (welcome Ollie), but also because they have begun to put together the necessary pieces of their Exhibition layout.

First up, we have a NAME. The exhibition layout is to be called Gweiadur Junction. Gweiadur means Children in Welsh and with the expanded layout plan, fits into the overall idea of a point between a mainline station (off scene), through an upper (industrial) and lower town/village station to an (eventual) port/wharf terminus.

The first part of the layout is Gweiadur itself a 2100mm x 1500mm section split into four boxes for transportation with an associated fiddle yard.  The timber for the base has been kindly sourced by the Chairman and sized/cut up by Giles. The layout was planned using Anyrail software in discussion with the Junior Section and the photo attached is a full size representation. The plan is to have the baseboard constructed and track laid by the end of March 2024.

We have also had significant donations of track, buildings, locos and rolling stock both from members and those outside the club which we spent time on the 1/2/24 reviewing and deciding what can/will be run on the layout and which can be repaired/renovated and redistributed to the club or sold on.

The track/points have arrived and with Mega Malvern on Sunday 4th Feb, we’ve sent our fellow mentor (Steve) off with a shopping list for buildings. Other bits and pieces (cork, wire, point motors, lights, signals etc) are in the pipeline with the control/mimic panel is to be constructed separately (with a LOT of help).

The Future

Other events coming up include a visit to Tom’s exhibition layout(15/2), a Wiring masterclass with Giles (16/2) during half-term and a Loco Maintenance workshop with Paul White in March. Other workshops to be planned planned include weathering, airbrushing and static grass application.  The Section is also hoping get some GRMS hoodies made up from the funds raised through their GoFundMe page.

Applications for Lydney and Cheltenham exhibitions in September and October are to be sent this week and we already have one for Hucclecote in June!

AND Finally, I am pleased to announce that the winner of our Christmas Quiz and the two donated wagons was……..Ethan!! Well done to all who took part and thanks to John Bond for setting the questions.